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Discover Your Gift: Harness Your Talents

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Discover Your Gift: Harness Your Talents with Ravi R. Iyer, MD

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Discover Your Gift: Harness Your Talents is covered in this podio, along with the following subjects:

- Leveraging Your Talents in Collaboration

- The Role of Passion in Identifying Talents

- Developing and Refining Your Talents


Discovering your gift and harnessing your talents can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life. Everyone has unique abilities and strengths that, when nurtured and developed, can bring immense joy and success. I'll be talking with Ravi R. Iyer, MD about Discover Your Gift: Harness Your Talents.

3x TEDx speaker and CEO of IR FocalPoint, Dr. Ravi Iyer is a Harvard-trained Physician-scientist, a former Chairman of Reston Hospital and Director of Heartland Hospice who is recognized in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in TOP Doctors of America. Dr. Iyer is passionate about enabling the manifestation of human possibility which is the substance of his work as a physician, in his role as CEO of a wellness supplement company, and in the educational work he does on Neuroinclusivity training and the crafting of Neuroaligned High-Performance Groups. He will be speaking today about the power of finding your gift that allows you to transcend the hamster wheel of life to acheiving succes.

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