Learn! Profit! Grow!
Need a GREAT speaker, panelist, or workshop presenter with an expertise in small business?

Favorite Topics…
To Access Capital - You Must P.R.A.Y. for Financing
Are You Talking To Yourself or Your Customers?
How To Improve Your Business Cash Flow
Transitioning from Corporate to Entrepreneurship
How To Maximize the Value of Your Business
What Is Your Most Important Job as a Biz Owner?
Run Your Business by the Number to Increase Profit
Are You Working IN Your Business or ON it?
Market Your Business Like A Drug Dealer

What People Are Saying
“Your contributions to The Art of Customer Success in Tech were insightful and impactful. Your insights and lived experiences resonated deeply with our community, leaving a lasting impact on everyone in attendance. Your expertise and passion for entrepreneurship and small business development were truly inspiring, and we received many positive feedback from attendees.
Thank you for sharing your energy, knowledge, and experience with the BWTT community. Your personal journey and accomplishments served as a beacon of hope, igniting a renewed sense of determination to pursue our dreams and break through barriers. Your contribution to empowering Black women to build billion-dollar tech and scalable businesses has been inspirational and transformative. ”