Feb 17th POW Newsletter

📝 February 17th POW Newsletter Video (Plan of the Week)

Hi, Andrew here with the Plan of the Week.

As everybody knows, failing to plan is planning to fail.

That’s why I created the POW! Incorporating The POW into your weekly routine will help you achieve greater success, faster and easier.

Will 2025 be your best year ever?

Are you generating revenue consistently?

• If not, you’ll want to check out our Livestream tomorrow evening. I’ll be talking with Sam Rockaway about Engineering your Selling Process for Consistent Revenue.

• Last week, I talked with Liz Heiman about Hiring and Managing a Sales Team.

• And, you don’t want to miss our new Podcast dropping on Thursday morning with Clevonne St. Hillaire talking about Scaling Your Business in 2025.

Additional events this week…

• On Wednesday - Our second online Masterpreneur Class “Strategic Planning Made Easy” at 2pm.

• On Saturday - Black Wall Street Vendor Market on the Newark Public Library.

• Also on Saturday - The Positive Community Great American Emancipation Day Awards Celebration on Robert Treat Hotel in Newark, NJ.

• The last event on Saturday - is ETV’s North Star Celebration which will be at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park, NJ

Check out our website events calendar page for more details about events this week and for information about the future.

Save the date for our third Masterpreneur Class "Finance Your Business Like A Pro" which is scheduled on Wednesday, March 19th. Don't miss this opportunity to get the funds you need faster and easier. Register today and save 50%.

Please save the date for the next POWER BREAKFAST at the Galloping Hill Clubhouse in Kenilworth, NJ, on March 21st.

Scroll down through the POW for business tips, opportunities, and more event details

I look forward to helping you make 2025 your best year ever.

Always Remember, the more you know, the faster your business will grow.

🏷️ Hashtags: #planofweek #pow2025 #businessgrowthtips #smallbusinesssuccess #businessplanning #goalsetting2025 #annualplanning #entrepreneurtips #successmindset #growyourbusiness #scaleyourbusiness #automationtools #businesstips2025 #roioptimization #marketingstrategy2025 #networkingevent #smallbusinessresources #businesssystems #personalgrowth2025 #businesstipsdaily

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Andrew Frazier, MBA, CFA

Andrew Frazier empowers business owners to Maximize the Value of their companies by empowering them to Grow Revenue, Increase Profitability, and Obtain Financing. He guides them along the critical path to create a sustainable business that can run without them through invaluable coaching, consulting, and training services. His expertise in business strategy and financial management enables him to take a holistic perspective and provide more optimal solutions for clients. Mr. Frazier’s book Running Your Small Business Like A Pro” helps people increase the likelihood and magnitude of their success in business. He has also produced POWER BREAKFAST events in Northern NJ for almost 10 years generating $10+ million in both economic impact and financing for 1,000+ attendees. His online Small Business Pro University provides entrepreneurs with access to best practices and useful knowledge for running their businesses more professionally.

Andrew’s articles have appeared in the digital edition of Sales and Marketing Management, and “Octane”, the worldwide Entrepreneurs’ Organization’s (EO) blog, Inc.com and “SmallbizDaily.com, “Americanentrepreneurship.com, and NJ Business magazine”. He was also interviewed on RVN.TV Family Business World show and the syndicated “School for Startups Radio” show.

Andrew has worked 1-on-1 with 500+ business owners and taught thousands of people about business over the last 10+ years. He graduated from MIT with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, earned an MBA in Finance from NYU, and achieved the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. His background includes significantly diverse experiences as a Naval Officer, Operations Manager, Corporate Executive, Investment Manager, Real Estate Investor, Non-Profit Leader, Board Member, Business Owner, Professor, Coach, Consultant, Trainer, and Author. Learn more about Andrew by visiting http://www.AndrewFrazier360.com


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